This time my Skype exchange was briefer than usual, what a pity! Leah was absent, so Sarah asked Cristina and me to contact Marigny. I was eager to know another American student, but unfortunately when we started our conversation my two mates couldn’t hear me! I spent more than half an hour trying to solve the problem and I managed to join Cristina and Marigny when there were only fifteen minutes left.
Although brief, our chat was interesting all the same. The main issue was political elections again: we explained Marigny that in Italy there is a very large number of parties and each of them has its own candidate to premiership; however, only the Popolo delle libertà and the Partito Democratico seem to have a concrete chance to win right now because they form a coalition with other political groups and they have a nation-wide net of offices and groups of support that let people know their programmes. By the way, vote wasting is a constant issue in Italy: the main parties generally fail to receive a high percentage of votes because people have the possibility to choose among many (maybe too many…) other possibilities, therefore the winner cannot count on a solid majority in the Camera and the Senato. This, in turn, means that whatever faction is elected, it will find many difficulties in ruling the country and passing new bills because the Government’s decisions could be easily rejected by the two legislative organs.
As I wrote in the Wiki, we also talked about how people decide who to vote: in America, as well as in Italy, many electors don't even know the programmes of their candidates because they are too difficult to understand; they choose on the basis of either the political preference of their family, or the charisma of this or that politician, or the possibility to identify themselves with his/her life, personality and aims. For example, as Leah had already told me, it seems that Obama is more charismatic than Hillary and his successful career let black people hope that they too can defeat racism and discrimination and get the position they deserve in the society. In the same way, in our country people who have started an activity on their own feel to be better represented by Berlusconi, who followed a path which was similar to theirs; however, the other side of the electorate thinks that he’s too ironic and self-confident and prefer to choose someone more reliable and down-to-earth.
I also told the girls that a couple of days ago I watched the ad of the Partito Socialista, which alludes to the fact that Jesus was a socialist as well. I’m not judging the political contents of this party, but I think that mixing politics and religions is quite anachronistic nowadays…
Although brief, our chat was interesting all the same. The main issue was political elections again: we explained Marigny that in Italy there is a very large number of parties and each of them has its own candidate to premiership; however, only the Popolo delle libertà and the Partito Democratico seem to have a concrete chance to win right now because they form a coalition with other political groups and they have a nation-wide net of offices and groups of support that let people know their programmes. By the way, vote wasting is a constant issue in Italy: the main parties generally fail to receive a high percentage of votes because people have the possibility to choose among many (maybe too many…) other possibilities, therefore the winner cannot count on a solid majority in the Camera and the Senato. This, in turn, means that whatever faction is elected, it will find many difficulties in ruling the country and passing new bills because the Government’s decisions could be easily rejected by the two legislative organs.
As I wrote in the Wiki, we also talked about how people decide who to vote: in America, as well as in Italy, many electors don't even know the programmes of their candidates because they are too difficult to understand; they choose on the basis of either the political preference of their family, or the charisma of this or that politician, or the possibility to identify themselves with his/her life, personality and aims. For example, as Leah had already told me, it seems that Obama is more charismatic than Hillary and his successful career let black people hope that they too can defeat racism and discrimination and get the position they deserve in the society. In the same way, in our country people who have started an activity on their own feel to be better represented by Berlusconi, who followed a path which was similar to theirs; however, the other side of the electorate thinks that he’s too ironic and self-confident and prefer to choose someone more reliable and down-to-earth.
I also told the girls that a couple of days ago I watched the ad of the Partito Socialista, which alludes to the fact that Jesus was a socialist as well. I’m not judging the political contents of this party, but I think that mixing politics and religions is quite anachronistic nowadays…
Well, just a handful of hours and we will know the results…
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