picture by Google images
I chose this picture because I found it quite realistic and perfectly suitable to this period of the year, don't you think so? I apologize for having abandoned my beloved blog for a while, but exams have started and the time to devote to this pleasant activity is not much... By the way, this morning I have taken the exam of "Letteratura inglese contemporanea": the program of the course was really interesting and dealt with the literature produced in English language by black people living in the former colonies of the British empire. The exam was oral, so it was a good opportunity to practice my oral skills once again - and it's never enough!!! I was SOOOOO NERVOUS, guys, you can't imagine! I was literally trembling when the teacher asked me the first question, but, luckily, I knew the answer: the more I talked, the more my self-confidence increased and at last I passed the exam! I'm very happy right now, but I know that there are still many other tests to come for all of us, so...broke our legs, guys!!!
1 commento:
Dear Elena,
I really enjoyed the website you suggested about creating a southpark character. Let me suggest you to visit the website http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/main.html where you can create your simpson avatar!!! have fun!!
good luck for your exams!!!
take care,
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