giovedì 27 dicembre 2007

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!

Video by devilishduck

I know that I've already talked about Charlie Brown and my passion for the Peanuts' band, but I just couldn't help adding this video too: its simplicity really moved me! :'-) Charlie Borwn is trying to organize a show to celebrate Christmas, but it seems that nobody knows what this holiday is all about: his friends are only interested in gifts, parties and food and cannot feel the real meaning of this holy day. A little, ailing tree will help them all to remember that Christmas is much more than that: it is an occasion to realize what life has given us and to let our loved ones feel our affection for them.

2 commenti:

Sarah ha detto...

Dear Elena,

The Charlie Brown Christmas CD is the only one we listen to, but I don't have the dvd so the kids haven't seen the film. I just watched this clip with Antonio and he sang along at the end :-) It's the best!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!


ElenaCosta ha detto...

Dear Sarah,
I'm very glad to know that you and your children are mad about Charlie Brown just like me...I know, I've grown up by now, but this cartoon remind me my childhood...:'-)