Hi everybody!
I chose the photo of a skating rink because you will see me whirling on ice at the next winter Olympics! Well...maybe in my dreams! :-) However I can assure you that my passion for this sport is real! I started roller-skating when I was only five years old: those graceful and elegant movements and the spectacular acrobatics literally fascinated me and I would dream of flying without any effort like the skaters competing on TV. Okay, I have to acknowledge that at that time another fundamental element influenced my choice: the beautiful dresses, shining with sequins and colourful like petals of flowers!Unfortunately, I had to quit after few years, but last January an advertisement called my attention: a course of iceskating was about to start in a gym not far from my house! I immediately felt the desire to come back on the rink, to fly again, and so I did! Moreover I discovered that a friend of mine too shares my interest and we are determined to continue to train with the aim of becoming a great couple, famous and appreciated all around the world! Who are Maurizio Margaglio and Barbara Fusarpoli?? Of course I am joking, but I do have a lot of fun dancing with my skates and that's all I'm looking for!
I also have other hobbies and one of these is definitely photography! I can't help it, I have to take a picture of everything drawing my attention, anytime, anywhere! I completely agree with the slogan of a famous brand of films: if you don't take a photo, the details of the moments you have enjoyed will quickly fade out and you will keep just a confused image in your mind. I don't want to lose the memory of the things that have meant something to me, so I make them last for ever by taking a photo. Since the beginning of this month I have been attending a course in photography to learn something more about the use of a camera, if you are interested in it check the website of the association:
http://www.fotoantenore.com/Another website I frequently check is this:
Do you recognize it?? Yes, it is the website of our faculty! Maybe you could think that describing myself as a student is quite banal and expected, but for me it has a particular meaning: this is not only my last year at university, but also the end of my scholastic career, a very long journey started 18 years ago. I won't be a student any longer...how odd! I feel like I am in a period of transition, a part of my life is going to finish and this induces me to reflexionate about what I have done so far and what will be waiting for me behind the door of the future. For this reason I feel nostalgic and thrilled at the same time...but no more dramas! I am determined to enjoy the year that has just started and to live many exciting days with my friends!
Hope to hear from you all soon!
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