photo by Goolge images
Guess who has brand new ice skates???? Yes, it's me! The course has just started and I decided to attend it again to learn something more about this fascinating sport (and to show off when I go skating with my friends on the weekends!!! ;-] ). The teachers suggested that it was time for us to wear something more similar to real skates than the old "ski boot-like" skates that you can borrow at the ice rink, so now you can see me dancing on ice as I was fleet-footed! Of course, my style has immediately improved... If you want to have just an idea of what I can do now, have a look at this video...
video from youtube
Well, I hope you didn't believe a single word of what I said!!! The new ice skates hurt really bad! I know that I have to use them as much as I can so that the leather will soften a little bit and it will fit the form of my feet, but in the meanwhile the result is more or less this....

photo by protoflux